Friday 30 July 2010

My tribute to Laura

I'm sorry I never got to say bye to you
And feel your fur in my face.
But the heavens open up to you
Where you'll find your happy place.

Thank you for being so gentle and patient with little Eva no matter how much she annoyed you. 
Eva loved you the most - you were really a grandma to her. No matter how grumpy, she always wanted you. 
You showed everybody what a rottie could be. You proved those pessimistic ones wrong. 
I will remember our love for food and those times when you swallowed but didn't chew, we were so worried you'd get indigestion. 
I will remember your terrible sense of smell but you could always tell when it was chicken feet for tea. 
Would we have another dog that would respond to "Do you want to go out?" 
When you pricked up your ears and tilted your head, you were the most beautiful. 
I'm going to miss your fierce bark and that non stop noise you made until the people went out of your sight. 
I don't care if they say you are not a show dog. A show dog may be pretty on the outside but on the inside, do they have beautiful heart? But you do and that's what made you so special. 
Thank you for making my doggy dream come true. I think you were the best first dog anyone could ever have.

Run free and wild in the rainbow bridge, my darling.
We miss you so much.

RIP Laura

(10 March 2000 - 1 July 2010)

She left us peacefully in her sleep without suffering. That's the most we could ask for.

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