Monday 25 May 2009

Interesting facts about Rottweilers

The Rottweiler is originally from Germany. The first fact includes that German Rottweilers are actually more muscular and shorter than American Rottweilers. Somewhere along the way, American Rottweilers have become taller and slimmer. So this means that with a German Rottweiler you would be better trying out sports such as carting. With an American Rottweiler on the other hand a sport such as Rally or Agility may be better suited.

The Rottweiler was given its name because of a small German town. The town of "Rottweil" was a place where the Romans used to leave their Rottweilers whilst they went on with their business. So because so many Rottweilers were left there, they got the name "Rottweiler" after the town.

All throughout history the Rottweiler has been used as a working dog. It has been used for a number of different purposes including guarding shops, herding cattle, pulling carts of supplies and carrying money from stores to the banks.

Despite its poor reputation, in America the Rottweiler is the second most popular dog. This is said to be down to the breeds characteristics and they are incredibly gentle dogs. They are even excellent with children and they love nothing more than a child's company just as long as they have been socialised properly from an early age.

The Rottweiler played an extremely big part in Roman times. They accompanied the Romans over the Alps and if they hadn't have been there then the Romans would have never have made it across the Alps. They helped to protect them and drive the cattle over the Alps too which was the Romans main food source.

Finally the Rottweiler almost became extinct in Rottweil at one time. They were replaced by donkeys for cart pulling and so they were considered to be of no further use to anybody. It got to the point where there was just one female Rottweiler left. However that is when the police started to use dogs as protectors and they took on the Rottweiler and made it quite popular once again.

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